Ageing with Accountability

“ The trick to ageing gracefully is to enjoy every moment of it “


As you get older, do you get wiser? As you age, do you embrace all that you are? Or do you compare yourself to others, put yourself last and struggle to know who you really are?

It’s all too easy to start thinking it’s too late to make a change, that you’re too old or there isn’t much point, and to start feeling worthless, regretful and undervalued. But you are never too old, it’s never too late and you are never not enough.

Girl looking helpless

Through my own self development journey, research and observations, I realise that from the outset the challenge to make changes can seem unreachable, that you may believe is not possible. But I can vouch that with small steps in the right direction, working on the smaller picture does lead you to the bigger picture. It takes time, it takes some effort and most importantly, it takes consistency, it is a journey after all. But it’s worth it and like me, you won’t look back !

My accountability groups help you take steps in the right direction with

  • Support – listening, encouragement, reassurance and compassion;
  • Suggestions – inspiration and ideas to stimulate new thoughts;
  • Solutions – alternative approaches and tools.

The mind does what it thinks we want it to do, but we confuse it with the words we use and the visualisations we make. We give unclear or unnecessary instruction so the mind unknowingly works against us.

But you can change that. It’s time to leave the old mindset behind and move from CAN’T to CAN and POWERLESS to POWERFUL !

Get in touch to find out when our next sessions will begin.