Who I am

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style”  ― Maya Angelou


My ethos in life is to feed my soul, allow my heart to sing and age with a defiance of any stereotype. My life now incorporates all the things that make me feel good, so much so, that every day is a joy, a day worth living, filled with more freedom, abundance and less fear.

So what makes me feel good?

Dancing is my passion, it outweighs everything else and has been a part of my life from a young age. I love the freedom to move to music but only in the last few years have I started to dance like no one is watching. I dance to feel good, to express my creativity, for social connection and my wellbeing and I will continue to dance until my body denies me that pleasure.

I adore spending time with my nibbling’s (apparently that is a word!). They’ve taught me to be childlike again, to laugh, be silly and have pleasurable, purposeless fun. What a relief! And yes, you can do that AND be an adult. 

I appreciate being surrounded by nature, it’s my place of solitude and calm and where my best creative ideas and inspiration come from. I feel safe and grounded with Mother Nature and I love to hike, explore and see all that our incredible world has to offer.

I no longer live in fear or worry about the future. I am confident in my own skin and excited to continue my life’s journey with curiosity and learning and be an inspiration to others along the way. 

But life hasn’t always been like this. You can read a bit more about how I came to this point in My Story 

I can’t wait to meet you. 

With much love and abundance
