
What A Difference A Year Makes

A year ago, I launched my new career as a teacher of exercise, movement and dance. Accountancy was no longer fulfilling and it felt the right time to find my true purpose in life. To find something that I was deeply passionate about and that made my heart sing.

So, why exercise, movement and dance?

Well sometimes, one size doesn’t fit all. Why stick to one variety when you can have a wonderful blend of all 3? Movement is medicine, it’s a basic human need, so if we need it, then why not obtain it in the easiest and most enjoyable way – through dance and music with an added sprinkle of joy and laughter!

I support adults through movement and mindset and as a result improve physical health and mental health. As adults we seem to move less, think and feel less and de-prioritise ourselves even more. We stress more, we remain comfortable, we make excuses and we avoid change. 

Do what makes you happy

My classes were never meant to be conventional; they aren’t following anyone else’s design; they are my own. They incorporate my ethos of finding enjoyment in life. To thrive not just survive. That laughter is medicine. To value the simple things. That’s why the motto for my classes is “Less Sweat, More Laughter”. We can still achieve great results and boost our physical and mental health coming from a point of self love, care and empathy. 

Practice makes progress

One year ago I started with 2 classes. Fast forward 365 days and I have 7 classes, a mix of seated and standing movement, for adults and families and voluntary teach swing dancing . I couldn’t be happier with my progress. 

Along the way I’ve observed different behaviours. People who create barriers, who don’t prioritise themselves or their health, who feel they are not good enough, not worthy enough to put themselves first and who forget to give permission to laugh, love and enjoy life. So that’s why I am expanding. To empower people to build confidence, to feel alive, to find their enjoyment and find their missing piece. Are you ready to take ownership of your life? Then keep your eyes open for new adventures. 

The future is bright, the future is yours to own.

With love and abundance
